Adam And Eve And The GOP

A dispatch from the intersection of reason and superstition:

The good news is that fewer people now believe that God personally constructed Adam and Eve—the first Republicans—less than a mere 10,000 years ago.  

The bad news is that the number of folks who still so believe is a disturbingly high 40%.  That means four in every ten of your fellow Americans—likely more in southwest Missouri—have either no understanding of or appreciation for modern science. 

However, there is more good news: The number of people who believe in evolution-without-divine-strings-attached has almost doubled over the last thirty years.  But there is also more bad news: That number is only 16%. 

One of the more disturbing results of Gallup’s poll is that 37% of college graduates and 22% of post-grads believe in creationism, which just goes to show that in America you can get a college degree without getting an education.  What a country!

In any case, here is how it breaks down by political affiliation: 

As you can see, more than half of the Republicans you meet believe that the Earth is still wet behind the ears and that a few thousand years ago there were two human prototypes parading around naked and ignorant in a lush but, it turns out, dangerous garden.


  1. In Haiku:

    Religion and science
    Contend for human reason.
    Baloney persists.


  2. One of the good things about psuedoscience is that it has a shorter shelf life than when you call it religion.

    You tell people to accept BS on faith, it can last for millennia. But you start claiming you have evidence for BS when you obviously don’t, you will eventually exhaust most people’s gullibility until only a few disturbed believers are left.

    Remember the phrenologists? Yeah, me neither.
