Remarks And Asides, 9/25/18

Image result for united nations laugh at trump

I watched this morning as the United Nations General Assembly laughed, out loud, at Tr-mp. Yeah, sure, they can laugh. They don’t have to live with him. We Americans are sentenced to more unfunny hard times.


Speaking of sentencing, Bill Cosby, newly anointed as a “sexually violent predator,” will serve three to 10 years in prison for the shameful things he did to women, in this case one woman named Andrea Constand, who trusted him. Slowly, ever so slowly, women are angry.jpgwomen are winning some major battles in the longstanding war against their dignity. The battle over Brett Kavanaugh, who should be impeached rather than given a Supreme bump in status, has yet to be decided. But women are on the rise.


Speaking of Kavanaugh, Senate Republicans are in hot pursuit of the truth surrounding the allegations against him, including the attempted rape of Christine Blasey Ford. They are such earnest truth-seekers that they have even asked O.J. Simpson to stop his hot pursuit of his ex-wife’s killer and help them find out what the hell is going on with the Boy Scout who said he didn’t drink much or ever, ever, ever have sex in high school and well beyond.


It’s possible, of course, that Kavanaugh has never had sex with anyone at anytime. Never. His two lovely kids could have been, following the history of the Catholic Church he so fervently follows, immaculately conceived, which is at least as believable as the story he told on Fox last night.


It turns out that not only are there at least two female accusers of Kavanaugh, there is also Kavanaugh’s old college roommate, James Roche, who said,

although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.

As for whether Kavanaugh could have possibly used his penis, belligerently or otherwise, as a potential weapon—which Deborah Ramirez, who also went to Yale with Kavanaugh, alleges—James Roche said:

I cannot imagine her making this up. Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.

For the record, Tr-mp, the world-class comedian, said Debbie Ramirez was “too messed up” to be believed and that, “This is a con game being played by the Democrats.” Nah. Not a chance. Such a con game would require a) guts and b) organization, two things Democrats often lack. So, uh, no.


Image result for senate members all men on judiciary committeeIt appears that neither Ramirez nor Roche nor Mark Judge nor anyone else who could help get to the truth of the matter will appear at that sham of a hearing on Thursday, a hearing so shamefully incomplete that it won’t even feature Republican members of the Judiciary Committee making fools of themselves in front of the world. They have now hired a penis-less attorney to do the dirty work for them.


And, finally, speaking of dirty, it’s not enough that Senate Republicans, at least most of them, don’t give a damn about the truth surrounding Brett Kavanaugh, now we have House right-wingers threatening to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteen-I-mean-stine. As you know, Rosensteen-I-mean-stine’s career is on life support at this point for allegedly proposing a 25th Amendment remedy for our Tr-mp problem and offering to secretly tape the disturbed subversive in the Whites’ House. At this point, Rosensteen-I-mean-stine should welcome impeachment. Maybe that would help us all get his name straight before his career dies.



  1. RDG,

    Mark Judge, “Bart O’Kavanaugh’s” alcohol-abusing wingman, was found hiding out in a Delaware motel. Odd that the only other witness to an alleged sexual assault wants nothing to do with his buddy’s confirmation hearing . Odd, too, that the Committee Republicans and our laughingstock Prezident are under the impression that the Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn’t investigate potential criminal activity. Considering the confirmation process has denigrated the very definition of a farce, Grassley should shoot the moon and hire Judge Jeanine Pirro as their stand-in female to interrogate Dr. Ford. Even better if she drinks her usual show prep — at least one bottle of tequila — before questioning the witness.

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    • Juan,

      Wow. Given the recent events, your Judge Pirro suggestion would be a way out for those fraidy-cats on the Judiciary Committee. She would, tequila or not, make this all about her and remove the focus from the now, count ’em, four women who have dared come forward and taint the Boy Scout with a current or former drinking and groping problem.

      Here’s to a courageous woman who will testify, all alone, tomorrow. But we have her back.



  2. Kavanaugh on the bench would make two Supremes that will forever have morally-checkered backgrounds. It makes me question the framers’ wisdom in giving SCOTUS lifetime appointments. How about 11 years and out, and limiting vacancies to 4 months maximum?


    • Nice idea, Jim.

      I have another one. A larger Court. Let’s stop giving all this power to nine people who head up one-third of the government. It is ridiculous. The only thing stopping us from having, say, a 22 member court, etc., is an act of Congress. An idea for Dems in 2020?


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  3. Don’t you just “love” Nikki Haley’s explanation for the laughter following PresiDunce’s usual self-aggrandizement at the UN? According to Haley, they laughed at him out of “respect” and because “they love how honest he is.” How HONEST he is? Apparently, she’s as delusional as most (all?) members of this administration — SAD!


    • Nice one, Dayan.

      I find people like Nikki Haley even more morally troubling than Tr-mp himself, who is a wounded man with a disordered mind. She, of sound mind, is using him for her own personal ambition to be president someday, it is obvious. And by using him, she is using us, the entire country, as her plaything. Your example is a perfect illustration.


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