The Hangman

And the mourners are all singin’
As they drag you by your feet.
But the hangman isn’t hangin’
And they put you on the street.
You go back, Jack, do it again.

——Steely Dan, 1972

In the U.S. Constitution there is a blueprint for a political gallows just in case one of our presidents, vice presidents, or “civil officers of the United States” commits “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” The impeachment process in Article 2, Section 4 has been used only twice for presidents and twice it resulted in the political equivalent of acquittal. That is, two of our presidents have been threatened with a political lynching but the hangman wasn’t hanging.

Last night, after news broke that Tr-mp had ordered the firing of Robert Mueller last June, I heard utterances like these on cable news: “He’s in legal danger.” “The evidence is obviously mounting.” Tr-mp “looks guiltier and guiltier.” But the truth—the awful truth—is this: Mueller could stack evidence of guilt against Tr-mp as high as Tr-mp Tower and it wouldn’t matter. The immediate constitutional hangman is the Republican Congress.

There is no apparent legal danger for Tr-mp. Mueller could prove without a doubt that Tr-mp is a crook, a grifter, an obstructor of justice a thousand times worse than Tricky Dicky. He could prove Tr-mp abuses puppies and pussies. He could prove it wasn’t Russian hookers who pissed on Tr-mp, but Putin himself. He could prove Tr-mp played doctor on gymnasts. And on and on.

A veritable mountain of probative evidence simply would not matter because the prevailing opinion among legal scholars is that not only is the indictment and prosecution of a sitting president a constitutionally dubious notion (thanks, Founders), but even it were clearly an option under the Constitution, it is highly unlikely that Robert Mueller would himself shoulder the burden of playing the hangman in this drama. He would likely just report the evidence, whatever it is, to the Republican-controlled Congress and say, “Here’s the rope.”

And we know, or should know, how that would go.

Think about it. Evidence of guilt wouldn’t matter because evangelicals, the most faithful Republicans God ever made, have officially and permanently mulliganized Tr-mp. Evidence wouldn’t matter because an entire cable channel is unashamedly attacking real facts and inventing facts of its own, all in service to its cult leader. Evidence wouldn’t matter because the hangman in this case is afraid of being hanged himself by Republican primary voters, were he to carry out his constitutional duties.

I suppose I should say hangmen. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are in charge of the gallows. And what evidence is there that they would place a political noose around that nectarine neck and trigger the trap door?

Consider: Ryan has a rogue member, who for some reason is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who clearly is compromised, if not clinically insane. And what has Ryan done? Nothing. Ryan has done nothing and will do nothing. He has mulliganized Tr-mp, too.

McConnell has a conspiratorial chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee who is both compromised and nuts, and McConnell—whose wife works for and praises Tr-mp at every turn—won’t say a word. Another mulliganizer.

The truth is we should not expect the corrupt to bring the corrupt to justice. I know there has been a lot of excitement around this latest revelation of Tr-mp’s malfeasance. Folks are saying that finally it is obvious that he obstructed justice. Yeah, well, it has been obvious since the day he fired James Comey. It has been obvious since he told the Russians themselves that he fired Comey (“He was crazy, a real nut job,” Tr-mp said) to free himself from the “great pressure” from the Russia investigation. It has been obvious since he told NBC’s Lester Holt that he fired Comey because the “Russia thing” is “a made-up story.” This latest reporting simply adds to a pile of evidence that Republicans are increasingly ignoring, or worse, discrediting.

It has been obvious and it is obvious now. This present Republican Congress will do nothing, no matter what Mueller discovers or alleges. The only remedy for fighting the corruption that Tr-mp represents falls on we the people. And we the people need to come to terms with that.

Tr-mp’s removal will begin, hopefully, in November of this year. It will finish, hopefully, in November of 2020. If that doesn’t happen, Tr-mpism will triumph. And if it does, respect for American democracy and the institutions that support it will be gone, and deservedly so.

It is pretty simple. We have to stop this lawlessness ourselves. The American electorate is, ultimately, going to have to be the hangman.

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Hello Jell-O

In 1988, Mike Tyson and Michael Spinks fought for the undisputed heavyweight title in what was billed as one of the greatest fights in history. Ironically, the event was held in the now-defunct Tr-mp Plaza Hotel and Casino in New Jersey. Tr-mp called the fight a “monster.”

It lasted 91 seconds.

According to Wikipedia, Image result for mike tyson vs. michael spinksSpinks, the loser, conceded that “fear was knocking at my door big time.” Tyson (who today is a Tr-mper) reportedly said, “The first punch I threw, he wobbled a bit. I knew right there I had him.”

Sound familiar?

I don’t know what could have been more predictable than the outcome of the Senate Democrats’ efforts to get a deal on DACA and the DREAMers in exchange for the necessary votes to keep the government running. And I don’t know what could have been more predictable than how the press would cover the whole thing—as a fight with a clear winner and a clear loser.

CNN’s Jake Tapper is about as mainstream as journalists come. He is conventional in his view of politics and how to cover it. He began his Sunday news show with words straight from a fight promoter’s lexicon: “Shutdown showdown.” Senate Democrats, not being idiots, knew how the press would cover this story. It wasn’t hard to figure out: Who would blink first? Who would be able to take the tough punches? Who would stand and fight until they won? Now, after we have witnessed the political equivalent of a 91-second fight, we know the answers: Senate Democrats blinked first. They were unable to take a punch. And Republicans stood and fought until they won.

And you know why the Republicans won this political fight? Because they’re ruthless assholes. And in order to beat them, you have to either fight like ruthless assholes or you have to outsmart them. Democrats did neither one. They were Michael Spinks and found fear knocking at their door bigtime. Republicans were Mike Tyson—who once got pissed off during a fight and gnawed both of Evander Holyfield’s ears—who saw Democrats wobble a bit after the first punch was thrown and they knew they had Democrats then and there.

The wobble came when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer met with Tr-mp last Friday. Schumer, who by now ought to know he can’t trust Tr-mp, admitted he offered to pay some amount of money for Tr-mp’s colossally stupid border wall. That was it. Fear had knocked on Schumer’s door and he answered it. Talk about Jell-O. Republicans then, sensing a sure victory, ratcheted up the rhetoric, including an unforgivable racist advertisement paid for by the Tr-mp campaign, an ad that Democrats answered by caving in to Mitch McConnell, allowing Tr-mp and his ugly apologists to claim victory for him.

The truth is that Democrats, the party of government, should never have, without a clear strategy and commitment to win, jumped into the shut-down-the-government ring with ruthless assholes who don’t much like government in the first place. Democrats are the good guys when it comes to the value of government and the services it provides, and using a shutdown as leverage runs contrary to their nature. They aren’t vicious cutthroats who use our troops as props in a sick game of chicken. They aren’t callous schmucks who use anti-immigrant racism to appeal to the worst instincts of some Americans and stoke resentment in others. That’s why Senate Democrats had to use their smarts, not their ruthlessness, to help the DREAMers.

And it just wasn’t very smart for them to get into a fight unless they were prepared to take some hard punches and still keep fighting. Clearly they weren’t. And the only thing that was accomplished by their well-meaning efforts, was that they look weaker than they really are. Senate Democrats can, with the filibuster, keep some bad things from happening to the country and help get a few good things done, like, possibly, a decent DACA-DREAMer bill. But behind that filibuster strategy has to be a willingness to, when it matters, stand in the ring and slug it out with Mitch McConnell, who is as ruthless as they come and as big an asshole as exists in Washington.

Speaking of assholes, one of Jake Tapper’s guests on his Sunday program was Mike Mulvaney, Tr-mp’s budget director and a former congressman who was one of the most zealous right-wingers imaginable. Tapper played a clip of Mulvaney—who supported the supposedly infamous shutdown in 2013 when Obama was in office—being asked if “the fight” in 2013 was worth it. Mulvaney said at the time:

MULVANEY: It was. Any time you fight for something you really believe in, and something you think is important, then the fight is — the fight is going to be worth it. If you stand up for what you believe in, I think you’ll always end up on the right side of things.

Apparently, Mulvaney was right. There he was on CNN and elsewhere on Sunday, four years and four months after that disgraceful shutdown in 2013, riding high as a proud member of the Tr-mp administration, enjoying his party’s complete control of every branch of the federal government. Neither he nor his party paid a price for their attempt to hold the country hostage for 17 days just because Republicans like Mulvaney and Ted Cruz did not like Obamacare. It didn’t hurt them a bit, as we are reminded every day when Tr-mp and Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell torment us with their presence. Democrats, when the next fight comes up, need to remember that. If DREAMers are worth fighting for, and if Republicans insist again on getting in a ring and having it out, then that’s what needs to be done—without political fear.

Michael Spinks, who lasted 91 seconds against Mike Tyson in 1988, retired and never fought another fight. Senate Democrats don’t have that option. They are elected officials who were put in office by their voters to do the right thing and fight the good fight. If they aren’t willing to do that when it matters, then Democratic primary voters should send them into retirement.

Women + Men + Children + March = Hope

I normally don’t approve of parents bringing their little kids into political protests. But, dammit, this time it is different. This moment isn’t just about this or that public policy. It is about defending American values that are worth defending. And this sign gives me the most hope for the future that I have had for some time:

Khrushchev’s Granddaughter: “Trump’s America is in some ways even worse than Russia was during my Soviet childhood.”

Remember Nikita Khrushchev? Okay, maybe you, like me, only remember him from history books. He led the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and was removed from power in 1964 by his rivals. In any case, Khrushchev, who died in 1971, had a son named Leonid who was killed in World War II, leaving behind a two-year-old daughter named Julia. Khrushchev adopted his granddaughter Julia, who later had a daughter named Nina Khrushcheva. Thus, Nikita Khrushchev was both the great-grandfather and the adoptive grandfather of Nina Khrushcheva. Got it?

I said all that to introduce excerpts from an article written by Nina Khrushcheva (“Donald Trump’s not quite Joseph Stalin. But his ‘Fake News Awards’ should scare us”). She was born in the former Soviet Union in 1964 and today is a scholar and writer, working as an associate professor of international affairs at the New School, in New York, as well as a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute. While Senator Jeff Flake is getting a lot of attention for comparing Tr-mp to Stalin, Khrushcheva has her own take:

As a former Soviet citizen, I am frequently overcome by a horror-movie feeling of fear and disbelief. It’s almost as if I don’t know where I am. In cosmopolitan New York? Or back in monotonous Moscow, listening to Soviet leaders boasting from the Kremlin about Communism’s drummed-up victories and denouncing their illusory enemies? … Frankly, Tr-mp’s America is in some ways even worse than it was during my Soviet childhood. When I was growing up in Moscow in the 1970s, not even Pravda used such menacing language for the Kremlin’s critics.

She wasn’t finished. She briefly discussed the history of a few autocracies who labeled journalists as enemies, journalists who “were subsequently censored, harassed, injured, or even killed just for doing their jobs.” She said that “America under Tr-mp,” although a place where journalists’ lives aren’t in real danger and they are free to provide “the real facts,” is nevertheless a place where Tr-mp’s attacks on journalists, his threats of lawsuits, his desire to change our libel laws, “can amount to the conditions of state censorship” because such actions are “designed to instill intimidation and fear.”

Khrushcheva—remember she grew up in the Soviet Union—ends her provocative piece this way:

Not only does Trump appear less democratic than the Soviet autocrat Khrushchev, but his anti-free speech rhetoric places him in unsavory company; the current pantheon of world rulers who share his disdain for the free press include Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, China’s Xi Jinping and the Philippines’s Rodrigo Duterte.

In democratic societies, a free press guaranties that the state’s menacing language can never turn into menacing actions against its people — as Stalin’s Gulags did. That’s how many dictatorships have thrived. Where would Nazi Germany be without Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, who dubbed the Jews the “sworn enemy of the German people” because they doubted Adolf Hitler’s Aryan agenda?

Of course, the flashy real-estate tycoon-turned-reality-TV-star-turned-foulmouthed president is arguably more like Charlie Chaplin’s buffoon character in “The Great Dictator” (1940) than the real Hitler or Stalin. Or perhaps Trump is more like Hollywood’s mean clown “Pennywise” — “Trumpywise” — insulting some, punching others and scaring the rest.

But the danger of this nightmare is that it gets more real every day. And the longer it lasts, the harder it will be to wake up.

Our job is to keep the nightmare from becoming more real, and one way of doing that is by encouraging and supporting good journalism and calling out those among us—our friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors—who can’t tell real journalism from propaganda.


Is This The Country We Want?

It is certainly true that at least some Americans have the country they want. In one way or another they chose, they voted for, this stuff:

First, from CBS News:

A 39-year-old Detroit man who had lived in the U.S. for nearly 30 years has been deported to Mexico. Jorge Garcia came to the U.S. with his family when he was 10 years old and has long sought legal status. Garcia, who worked as a landscaper and had no criminal record, was deported on Monday and can’t return to the U.S. for a decade.

His wife and two children, who are all U.S. citizens, hugged him and sobbed as they said goodbye at the airport, the Detroit News reported.

This moral outrage is directly—directly—linked to voters who voted for Tr-mp, many of them falsely claiming to be “family values” voters. Family values my ass.


Recent research indicates:

The U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world, and children born in America have a 70 percent greater chance of dying in childhood than those born in peer countries.

As you might have guessed, the problem is worse—twice as bad—if you’re black, especially if you’re poor and black. And, as you might have guessed, part of the problem has to do with the choices American voters make year after year:

According to the study’s authors, the problem of stillbirths in the U.S. is also heavily impacted by inequality among women and families, particularly with regard to healthcare access.

This moral outrage, lack of access to quality healthcare, is something voters could fix if they wanted to. Many are ignorant. Many don’t give a damn. I know that is true because Tr-mp’s approval rating after one year in office is still hovering around 40%, which is 40 points too high.


Related to that moral outrage is another one, summed up in the headline of a piece published by The New York Times, “Making Medicaid a Tool for Moral Education May Let Some Die.” The “moral education”—advanced by Republicans and championed by the Tr-mp administration of course—is the imposition of a work requirement on poor folks who get Medicaid. If you can work and don’t, forget about getting any health care. What will happen is predictable because it has been tried in Tennesse. People delayed doctor visits and used more expensive emergency rooms for treatment. Another result:

Delayed care can kill. Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death among women. One of eight American women will get it. Detecting it early is critical. Specifically, the five-year relative survival rate for localized breast cancer is 98.5 percent when detected early, but only 25 percent when detected at a distant stage. Waiting for 60 days or longer to get treatment raises the risk of dying of breast cancer over five years by 85 percent.

Another study from Tennessee found that losing access to Medicaid led to delays in diagnosis, so more breast cancers were caught at a later stage. Women who lived in low-income ZIP codes were 3.3 percentage points more likely to receive a diagnosis of late-stage cancer than women living in high-income ZIP codes.

The author of that Times piece wrote:

The problem with the latest twist in Republicans’ effort to pare the social safety net is that removing the poor’s health insurance may not just make their life more difficult.

It might kill them.

Again, some folks just don’t give a damn.


Consider this headline in a country that is called, dubiously, the greatest country on earth by some people:

With CHIP funds running low, doctors and parents scramble to cover kids’ needs

In case you don’t know, CHIP is the Children’s Health Insurance Program—established under the Social Security Act—which provides healthcare to some 9 million lower-income kids. The reason the “CHIP funds” are “running low” is because of Republicans. Yep. It’s that simple. If you voted for a Republican, you voted for this moral outrage.


And if you voted for a Republican, any Republican, you contributed to the further erosion of reproductive rights. From Roll Call:

Anti-abortion groups, pursuing a list of priorities, hope to further capitalize on the Republican control of both chambers and the presidency in 2018.

Groups that oppose abortion scored a series of wins last year, including the appointment of several conservatives to top Department of Health and Human Services positions, the House passage of a late-term abortion ban bill and the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

On the list of priorities for anti-choice zealots is legislation that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. We all know, thanks to Republican voters across the country, that the bill could pass the House with plenty of room to spare. But thanks to voters across the country who put 49 Democrats in the Senate, it ain’t going anywhere there. So, if you care about reproductive freedom, thank someone in your life who voted for a Senate Democrat. Here’s my “you’re welcome” in advance.


Oh, by the way, there’s more to worry about on the reproductive rights front::

State officials are dismayed that the Trump administration has stalled the process for applying for new family planning money the states are counting on. Abortion advocacy groups worry that the delay may mean the administration is planning to target abortion providers or rewrite family planning policies.

How sick is it that people who pretend that abortion is murder are so eager to stand in the way of family planning money?


Last September, Tr-mp rescinded the Obama Administration’s DACA memorandum (“Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children”) that protected DREAMers, some 700,000 young folks who know, and only know, this land as their home but aren’t technically citizens. Tr-mp recently said (read: lied) he would sign any deal that could be worked out on DACA. Then, shithole-gate happened and he reneged (reneging is a natural reflex for him).

Thus, DREAMers are, by design or by neglect, in a constant state of fear about their futures. Again, this moral outrage is directly attributable to Republicans. Directly. Don’t even bother arguing about it. If you voted for a Republican for any federal office, you are responsible. Yes, even if you voted for Lindsey Graham.


Consider that there is still no director for the National Park Service and that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke wants to nearly triple the fees at the busiest national parks. And consisder the following from an NPR story headlined “Majority Of National Park Service Board Resigns, Citing Administration Indifference“:

Since taking office, President Trump has sought to roll back protections of national parks and public lands under the auspices of the Department of the Interior. The administration has ordered a dramatic downsizing of two massive national monuments in Utah and has announced plans to open up oil drilling in protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic.


For the next outrage, I will go back to July of 2017:

Income Inequality Will Survive the Nuclear Apocalypse: The class responsible for the lucrative rush to war can literally buy its way out of annihilation, thanks to the boom in luxury bunkers.

I confess. I never really imagined there were such things as “luxury bunkers.” Modest doomsday bunkers, yes. But “posh shelters” where the rich “can ride out the coming calamity”? Nope. It just never occurred to me as it did to some folks:

…renovated and newly built bunkers have become popular with Trump’s compatriots in the upper crust. Which is only fitting, since he’s partly responsible for the boom: As the Independent reported earlier this year, “Americans [are] building doomsday bunkers in ‘record numbers’ since Donald Trump’s election.”

Perhaps the most offensive part of this story is how these wealthy folks have planned for their future security after they survive a nuclear holocaust:

But what about jealous outsiders? What if a roving band of mutant proletarians suddenly shows up at the front door? They’re prepared for that, too: The facility [in Kansas, of all places] has a well-stocked armory, a sniper post, and, per their website, “a military grade security system that includes visible spectrum cameras, infrared cameras, proximity sensors, microphones, trip sensors, passive detectors, as well as confidential defensive systems both automated and manually operated.” If the wretched of the scorched earth miraculously make it through all of that, they will then face walls up to nine feet thick, plus a series of blast doors “designed to withstand sizeable explosives.” Now that’s a gated community.

The fact that these wealthy folks have so much spare cash on hand—prices for the Kansas silos begin at $1.5 million for 920 sq. ft and go up to $4.5 million for “penthouse units”— is one thing. It is another thing, a thing that results from our choices as citizens, that such facilities can be planned and built and sold. And if you are tempted to think that prohibiting such activity is an outrageous idea, then tell me this: Why can’t you plan, build, and sell an opium farm?


Finally, on to some personal responsibility. I, like most Americans, have used Amazon to purchase items. Here’s what my personal choice, added to the choices of millions upon millions of Americans, has wrought:

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer DollarsThe tech giant has received more than $1 billion in tax breaks. The government is also funding food stamps for many of its workers.

As the linked article makes clear, Amazon’s welfare-queen status is “a concerted strategy.” Six years ago, Amazon hired “a specialist in economic development tax credits,” which is a fancy way of saying “a specialist in corporate welfare.” But the bloodsucking doesn’t end there:

The famously grueling jobs in Amazon warehouses have also created strains on local services. Bloomberg reported in October that emergency responders visit the Amazon warehouse in Licking County [Ohio] at least once a day to attend to an injured worker. Local residents have to fund those forays because Amazon pays no property tax in Licking County under their subsidy deal. Voters approved a $6.5 million property tax levy in November to keep the Fire Department operational.

Image result for amazon logoWe all should think about that the next time we click on Amazon to order something. Not only does it hurt retail jobs in our communities, it costs us in other ways. There just ain’t no free lunch. Many of us thought we were getting a good deal when Amazon began and didn’t charge sales tax for purchases, which at the time gave it a critical advantage over local retailers. Amazon also exploited other “loopholes in tax legislation” that have led to this:

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a net worth of about $100 billion. Take that down to $99.5 billion and nobody working at any Amazon facility in America would need assistance to eat.

The problem is that Jeff Bezos isn’t in the “assistance to eat” business. And the fact that he feels no need to be in that business is partly my fault—and yours if you use Amazon. And, perhaps more important, it is the fault of all those voters who don’t demand from politicians laws requiring employers to pay a living wage to all workers.


Some of us, indeed, have the country we want. Our choices—how we use our suffrage and our savings—have consequences.

The Strangest MLK Day Of All

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

—Barack Obama, February 5, 2008

few Americans today know how deeply Martin Luther King, Jr., thought about the issues of his time and how to confront them. He had an intellectual’s curiosity about the world he experienced and, more important, about the world so many poor blacks—and whites—experienced in front of his eyes.

Harvard cognitive scientist Steven Pinker tweeted today:

A good day to read MLK’s fascinating My Pilgrimage To Nonviolence. He learned from Enlightenment thinkers, rejected Marx, Nietzsche, and traditional Christianity, embraced a complex human nature, & of course Gandhi’s nonviolence (not the same as pacifism).

I took Pinker’s advice and read the piece. You should too. It was fascinating. Even if you disagree with some of King’s conclusions or his theological defenses, you will see just how lucky we were to have had this man among us during the tumultuous 1960s, when it was, until the election of Tr-mp, most recently possible to imagine our democratic experiment failing, or at least turning out much worse than it did.

I want to focus on two passages from the work Pinker cited. King greatly admired Reinhold Niebuhr, the famous American theologian and intellectual who was born right here in Missouri. Niebuhr’s thinking, King said, helped the future civil rights icon

to recognize the illusions of a superficial optimism concerning human nature and the dangers of a false idealism. While I still believed in man’s potential for good, Niebuhr made me realize his potential for evil as well. Moreover, Niebuhr helped me to recognize the complexity of man’s social involvement and the glaring reality of collective evil.

In so many ways, “the glaring reality of collective evil” is still with us today, not just with issues of race and bigotry, but with issues of economic justice and the exploitation or neglect of large segments of our population—citizens, quasi-citizens, and non-citizens. But I want to move on to another passage, this one critical of Niebuhr, that is even more relevant to our present condition:

My study of Gandhi convinced me that true pacifism is not nonresistance to evil, but nonviolent resistance to evil. Between the two positions, there is a world of difference. Gandhi resisted evil with as much vigor and power as the violent resister, but he resisted with love instead of hate. True pacifism is not unrealistic submission to evil power, as Niebuhr contends. It is rather a courageous confrontation of evil by the power of love, in the faith that it is better to be the recipient of violence than the inflicter of it, since the latter only multiplies the existence of violence and bitterness in the universe, while the former may develop a sense of shame in the opponent, and thereby bring about a transformation and change of heart.

I ask you to read that passage more than once. It is the heart of Dr. King’s strategy for confronting the “collective evil” he saw. He talks about a “true” pacifism that is “a courageous confrontation of evil by the power of love.” Agree or disagree with that philosophical position, but at least acknowledge that it proved to be a relatively effective way to bring about the “transformation and change of heart” that King desired. Our country did change for the better because of non-violent actions like the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, and other acts of courage.

But the forces of reaction and racial angst and racism didn’t disappear. Obviously they are still with us today. And in some ways things seem to be worse now than at anytime since the death of Dr. King. Why? Well, look at what Dr. King’s rational non-violent strategy for confronting evil and changing hearts and minds depended on: “a sense of shame in the opponent.” In order for his approach to work, he counted on the people he was confronting, or at least those in power who tacitly supported such people, to have a sense of shame, an awareness of social responsibility built on a personal moral responsibility. Where, I ask you, is that requisite sense of shame in today’s Republican Party’s leadership or among its members or in the conservative media complex that supports Tr-mp and the Republican Party?

Republicans in Congress, Republican officials around the country, and conservative punditry, with very few exceptions, have constantly defended the indefensible bigotry and tolerated the intolerable ignorance and lied to protect the pathological liar in the White’s House. The latest shithole-gate fiasco is the perfect example. We all know Tr-mp said what he said and meant what he meant. But there has not been one Republican who was in the room, who heard Tr-mp talk trash about immigrants from non-white countries, come forward and confirm what most of us know. Even Lindsey Graham, who got credit from Dick Durbin for confronting Tr-mp in real time about the remarks, won’t just come out and say exactly what happened. All he will say are variations of, “The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel.” 

Worse, though, are Senators David Perdue of Georgia and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who Tr-mp is now relying on to buttress his desperate lie that he did not say what he said. Perdue and Cotton were both at the meeting, and after the nasty remarks were reported, they issued a joint statement saying they “do not recall” Tr-mp using such language. Just couldn’t remember. By Sunday, though, their tr-mpnesia had been cured. Perdue suddenly remembered that what Dick Durbin had told the world—that Tr-mp indeed used, repeatedly, the shithole comment about some non-Norwegian countries—was “a gross misrepresentation.” Cotton, also cured of his temporary “do not recall” disease, said, “I did not hear that word,” which is the same as calling Dick Durbin a liar, since Cotton made the point that he was the same distance from Tr-mp as Durbin had been.

Perhaps now is the time to remind you about David Perdue’s and Tom Cotton’s pasts. In June of 2016, Perdue was at one of those conservative Christian “Faith & Freedom” events when he suggested those gathered should “pray” for President Obama “like Psalms 109:8 says.” Everyone at that gathering knew what he meant by referencing that scripture. That passage had been often used to suggest death for Obama. Here’s Psalms 109:8-12:

Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour. Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children.

It is true that Perdue only quoted the first verse in that horrific passage, but his cynical suggestion wasn’t lost on anyone. How do you appeal to a “sense of shame” in someone like that?

And then there’s the particularly shameless Tom Cotton. I will never forget what he did in his 2014 Senate race against Democrat incumbent Mark Pryor, who was a devout Christian and Bible-believer. In a response to a question about the infamous Supreme Court ruling in the Hobby Lobby “religious freedom” case, Cotton said:

Barack Obama and Mark Pryor think that faith is something that only happens at 11:00 on Sunday mornings. That’s when we worship but faith is what we live every single day.

Cotton, in true Tr-mp fashion, never apologized for that remark, not to President Obama or to Mark Pryor. Again, I ask you, especially given how Cotton just lied on national television in order to protect Tr-mp, how to you appeal to a sense of shame in someone so morally bankrupt?

Add to all that the many conservatives who have gone on television to defend Tr-mp’s remarks, whether they believe he made them or not. The “Christian” pastor of Dallas’s First Baptist Church, Robert Jeffress, told the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody:

Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him, President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.

I remind you: that man is a Baptist minister. Others with no discernible sense of shame include all those right-wing pundits, most of them Christians, who Media Matters quoted in a handy piece the other day. These and other folks on the right demonstrate not only a missing sense of shame, but their responses demonstrate just how little difference there is between their positions and the position of racist David Duke, who said:

Donald Trump questioned Thursday why the U.S. would accept more immigrants from Haiti and “shithole countries” in Africa rather than places like Norway.”Trump spoke Blunt, hard truth that makes PERFECT TRUTH! So, Mr. Prez -ACT ON IT – DON’T CAVE IN !

If you were a Republican or a conservative with a sense of shame, a sense of shame that is necessary if non-violent actions are to remain effective ways of changing hearts and minds, wouldn’t you at least consider Image result for moral compassthe possibility that your moral compass is broken if it points in the same direction as one wielded by a proud white supremacist? Huh?

Finally, on this day I will leave you with words from an interesting writer named Roxane Gay, a Haitian-American born in Omaha, Nebraska. In a piece related to the shithole scandal, which appeared in The New York Times last Friday (“No One Is Coming to Save Us From Tr-mp’s Racism“), she wrote:

Now, in response to the news about the reports of the vile remark, there are people saying “vote” and highlighting the importance of the 2018 midterm elections, as if American democracy is unfettered from interference and corruption. There is a lot of trite rambling about how the president isn’t really reflecting American values when, in fact, he is reflecting the values of many Americans.

That is the depressing part of all this. Even after the civil rights successes in the 1950s and 1960s, even after turning Dr. King into a cultural hero deserving of his own holiday, even after electing Barack Obama president, we are still at a point where vile racist remarks really do reflect the values of many Americans. Just how many Americans, time will tell. But Gay makes a point related to the “the glaring reality of collective evil” Dr. King non-violently opposed:

But the president is not alone in thinking so poorly of the developing world. He didn’t reveal any new racism. He, once again, revealed racism that has been there all along. It is grotesque and we must endure it for another three or seven years, given that the Republicans have a stranglehold on power right now and are more invested in holding onto that power than working for the greater good of all Americans.

There’s no doubt about that. The Republican Party is the country’s biggest problem right now. No, it is worse than that. The Republican Party, under Tr-mp and sold out to him, is the country’s biggest existential threat right now. And there are days when it is hard to generate any hope that things will change significantly anytime soon. Roxane Gay captures that feeling:

I am tired of comfortable lies. I have lost patience with the shock supposedly well-meaning people express every time Mr. Trump says or does something terrible but well in character. I don’t have any hope to offer. I am not going to turn this into a teaching moment to justify the existence of millions of Haitian or African or El Salvadoran people because of the gleeful, unchecked racism of a world leader. I am not going to make people feel better about the gilded idea of America that becomes more and more compromised and impoverished with each passing day of the Trump presidency.

This is a painful, uncomfortable moment. Instead of trying to get past this moment, we should sit with it, wrap ourselves in the sorrow, distress and humiliation of it. We need to sit with the discomfort of the president of the United States referring to several countries as “shitholes” during a meeting, a meeting that continued after his comments. No one is coming to save us. Before we can figure out how to save ourselves from this travesty, we need to sit with that, too.

Perhaps today, of all days, is a day to reflect on the fact that no sainted cavalry is coming over the hill to rescue us. The Republican Party is lost and irredeemable. The Democrats are trying but lack any power. Robert Mueller, no matter if he finds the worst, will not find a GOP-controlled legislative branch willing to take action. Roxane Gay is right. No one is coming to save the country.

This one is on us. You and me.

Missourians And Other Americans Discover The Obvious

It’s as if some Americans just discovered that Donald Jeenyus Tr-mp is a racist shithole. Maybe it was the plea for more Norwegian immigrants that finally did it. I dunno.

What I do know is that some Missourians seem to be discovering for the first time that our governor is also a shithole. Just after Eric Greitens gave us his State of the State speech on Wednesday—in which he ignored the controversies surrounding his official conduct in office—a television outlet in St. Louis reported on some un-pro-life personal conduct by our “EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUSeric greitensleader, who everyone knew had ambitions to be POTUS. That behavior can be summed up thus:

Greitens, a married father of two, fornicated with another man’s wife who didn’t much care for the arrangement. That unhappy man provided an audio recording he made of his wife confessing to the affair. Oh, she also made mention that Greitens had secured her hands, blindfolded her, and then took a picture, saying, in effect, that if she ever told anyone about the affair, pictures of her would be “everywhere.” The husband (now former husband) said:

He took a picture of my wife naked as blackmail. There is no worse person. I think it’s as bad as it gets, It’s as bad as it gets when someone takes advantage of something.

That’s what our governor stands accused of: blackmailing a married woman he had sex with. Heck, even Tr-mp hasn’t been accused of that, has he?

In any case, anyone who has followed the rise (and now hopefully the fall) of Eric Greitens should not be surprised. Since I like both subtlety and rocketry, I’ll quote Chase Woodruff, writer for “50 States of Blue,” who opined on Twitter:

Eric Greitens has always been a terrible, vicious, fork-tongued sociopath. His gov campaign was pure post-Ferguson white revanchism. He cut millions from MO nursing homes. He’s had his eyes on the WH for years while posing as a maverick outsider. Fire him into the fucking sun



Genius Democrats? Hardly.

♦ His mental state is being openly and widely questioned in polite society.

♦ He was just named the world’s numero uno oppressor of press freedom by the Committee to Protect Journalists.

♦ He pardoned a disgusting fellow racist from Arizona who announced today he is running for a seat in the United States Senate.

♦ He begged the Russians for election help, fired the FBI Director who was investigating his and his campaign’s role in an attack on our electoral system by those Russians, and has constantly run interference for the man, Vladimir Putin, who authorized that attack. Oh, and he has viciously slandered those who have continued investigating the attack on our country.

♦ He has made life miserable for countless immigrants, both through his personal rhetoric and his administration’s policies, while making life for neo-Nazis much more comfortable.

♦ He just signed a tax bill that robs from our kids’ futures, jeopardizes social programs, and enriches already rich Americans and corporations.

So, naturally, some Democrats met with Tr-mp today on immigration and helped legitimize and normalize him, helped make him look like something other than the bumbling, lying fool most of us know he is, and that most Democratic politicians try to suggest he is, when they seek our support. Huh?

I don’t know anymore. I don’t know what is wrong with a Democratic Party leadership group that collectively tries to claim Tr-mp is unfit for office while simultaneously sanctioning open meetings with him—Dick Durbin and Steny Hoyer sat right next to him today—the visual effect of which was to make him look at least marginally fit. He didn’t drool or grab anyone’s crotch. He didn’t speak in unknown tongues or slur his words. He didn’t scream obscenities or order those gathered to “get up” and give him a standing ovation. With cameras rolling, he bantered back and forth just long enough, and with just enough understanding of the issues to fool an untutored public, that eager television pundits could score this a “win” for Tr-mp, coming as it does when the political sky is full of dark clouds about Tr-mp’s stability and temperament and, yes, his sanity.

Nancy Pelosi tweeted the following yesterday:

pelosi tweet

Why, if we are to believe Nancy Pelosi is sincere (I do), did she allow any Democrat in the House, not to mention Steny Hoyer, the Democratic Whip, to attend a televised meeting with Tr-mp in which the “symbol of hate” was a topic of discussion, a bargaining chip? Please. Somebody explain. I beg you. How can a Democratic leader call Tr-mp’s border wall an “immoral and hateful obsession” and then watch Democrats cordially meet with the obsessed man and talk about it?

Meanwhile, congratulations, Democrats. You just made it a little bit harder to rid the country of the menace that is Donald Tr-mp and the Republicans who empower him. You were props in an ongoing surreality show that, after today, has at least a better chance of a second season. And what did you get for your cameos? This:

Ample Confusion After White House Immigration Meeting

Maybe Tr-mp is right after all. Maybe he is “a very stable genius” and some Democrats in Congress are the idiots.