Remarks And Asides

According to himself, conservative Globeblogger Anson Burlingame is going to work for the Obama administration as a consultant on “nuclear issues resulting from the Japanese quake and Tsunami.”

Now, I don’t know if the President himself called Anson to work for the Centers for Disease Control, but Obama does have a reputation for neutering his political enemies by appointing them to positions in his administration.

In any case, Mr. Burlingame offered a parting shot at yours truly:

But I will have my computer and will be watching carefully as local liberals try to destroy the country, piece by piece or blog by blog.

I hope you are as comforted as I am by the fact that Anson, who has such an odd relationship with reality, will be hard at work making us safe from Japanese radiation, or whatever it is he will be doing in Atlanta.


Hamstrung by Congress, the Obama Justice Department will now have to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay.  The announcement comes on the same day Obama is launching his 2012 campaign, a campaign, no doubt, that will feature less promises like the 2008 pledge to close Gitmo.  He promised. He tried. He failed.  

Ironically, Republicans, who are mostly—but not completely—responsible for this decision and who have demonstrated a lack of confidence in U.S. civilian courts, may have made it easier for KSM to avoid the death penalty (even if he doesn’t want to) because there is some legal uncertainty as to whether the tribunal can sentence him to death upon a guilty plea.

So, if KSM lives on at the expense of American taxpayers, we have the GOP to thank.

[KSM photo: AFP/Getty]


Joke Of the Day:  On Fox News Sunday, Paul Ryan, the GOP budget czar, said his soon-to-be-released plan for “saving” (it’s safe to read: “dismantling”) Medicare and Medicaid and “repairing” (it’s okay to read: “killing”) entitlements,

will be giving our political adversaries things to use against us in the next election—and shame on them if they do that.

Yes, shame on them for doing to Republicans what Republicans did to Democrats before the last election.  Remember how Democrats were slashing Medicare to pay for Obamacare?

In any case, why is Ryan so afraid, if his proposal will save the day?


Bonus Joke of the Day: Glenn Beck is “uncomfortable” with all that Trump-talk about Obama’s birthplace.  Leaving aside the strange fact that someone has actually out-Becked Beck, here is the joke:

On Bill O’Reilly’s show, Beck said, laughing all the way to Wells Fargo Bank,

The last thing the country needs is a showboat…I would hope we could get serious candidates who could shake things up by not saying provocative things…


According to Roll Call, John Boehner’s “top lieutenants”—Cantor, McCarthy and Hensarling—are warning him they can’t guarantee passage this week of the please-don’t-shut-down-the-government bill unless it has at least $40 billion in cuts.  And even that much may not work.  Some Tea Party Republicans are demanding the whole enchilada.

Democrats, who have been too quick to play this one on Republican budget-cutting turf, do seem to be sticking to their $33 billion offer and it is now likely that any deal with that number in it will have to pass the House with Democratic votes. 

All of that will mean that Boehner will lose face this time with the Tea Party and during the upcoming debt ceiling debate will have to try harder to prove to teapartiers that he is as mad—in both senses—as they are. 

That should be fun.

The Truth About The New Black Panthers Case That The Ku Fox Klan Won’t Report

Forget for a moment that the so-called whistleblower in the imaginary controversy over the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against members of the New Black Panthers is none other than Bush hired hand and conservative activist, J. Christian Adams.  Adams hiring was part of a process that the Bush Justice Department’s own Inspector General determined was improperly politicized.

Forget for a moment that Adams had previously been a volunteer for the Republican National Committee’s “Republican National Lawyers Association,” which, according to Main Justice, “trains lawyers to fight on the often racially tinged frontlines of voting rights.”

Forget for a moment that the alleged intimidation occurred at 1221 Fairmount Street in Philadelphia, a majority black neighborhood (according to Main Justice, only 34 whites lived in the precinct, out of a total of 970) and forget that the incident was recorded by a “journalist” hired by the local Republican Party.

Forget for a moment that King Shamir Shabazz, one of the two men accused of voter intimidation in the almost all black precinct, was not an Obama supporter.  According to Politico, Shabazz said, “[Obama] is a puppet on a string. I don’t support no black man running for white politics. I will not vote for who will be the next slavemaster.”

Forget for a moment that the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which conservatives point out is hot to trot over the phony controversy, is actually dominated by Republican appointees.

Forget for a moment that in terms of pure politics, the alleged motivation—protecting black activists—of the Justice Department is plain silly. The most politically prudent thing to do would be to prosecute the Panthers, even if the case was weak.

Forget for a moment that the guy holding the “deadly” weapon at the Philadelphia polling site—a baton—is now prohibited—through an injunction sought by the Obama Justice Department—from doing what he did in 2008, up to and including the election in 2012.

Forget for a moment that Bartle Bull, a civil rights attorney who worked for Bobby Kennedy and Jimmy Carter, and who Fox “News” conservatives trot out as “proof” that the charges against the Justice Department have merit, was a McCain supporter in 2008 and hated Barack Obama, saying,Obama’s notion of economic fairness is pure Karl Marx, plus a pocketful of Chicago-style ‘community organization.”  Sound familiar, Fox fans?*

Forget for a moment that as conservative writer Abigail Thernstrom pointed out, writing for National Review Online, where conservatives go for medication,  prosecution under the applicable provision in the Voting Rights Act—section 11 (b)—has only been successful three—(3)—times in the 45 years since the law was passed.  And forget, as she also pointed out, that, “after months of hearings, testimony and investigation—no one has produced actual evidence that any voters were too scared to cast their ballots.”

Forget for a moment that Fox “News” has been race-baiting, using the New Black Panthers to scare the bejesus out of its white viewers.

Forget all that (I bet you can’t) and then watch this video of Megyn Kelly, part of the Fox “News” lineup that claims to be real news and not conservative nuttery, as she goes completely berserk on one of Fox’s own contributors, who has the audacity to stray from the reservation of wing nuts:


*Also forget that Bartle Bull is part of a group itching to draft Rudy Giuliani for Governor of New York, which, if doesn’t call into question his Democratic bona fides, calls into question his aesthetic discernment.