Racist Remarks Just A Bump In The GOP Road

Here is the way HuffPo headlined Speaker Paul Ryan’s criticism of Drumpf’s racist remarks about a federal judge:

huffpo header on ryan.jpg

Here is part of what Ryan said:

Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. I think that should be absolutely disavowed. It’s absolutely unacceptable.

“Absolutely unacceptable.” Drumpf hasn’t “disavowed” his racist comment—and never will. Why should he? Ryan and other Republicans are still voting for Drumpf and supporting him as his party’s nominee whether Drumpf disavows his comment or triples down on it (he’s already doubled-down). Thus, “absolutely” doesn’t mean absolutely. And “unacceptable” doesn’t’ mean, uh, unacceptable. Thus, HuffPo got the headline wrong. It should have been:

huffpo header on ryan